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Currently growing in 7cm pots. Approximately 3” in diameter.

A stunning, short-stemmed echeveria with pale, silvery-grey leaves, tinged with pale pink edges during the cooler months. Rosettes can reach up to 20cm / 8". Produces coral flowers on red stems during autumn/winter.

Care requirements: Grow in full sun or partial shade. Provide a gritty, free-draining soil. Water when the soil becomes dry, during the growing season, and feed with a suitable succulent feed. Water very sparingly / if required during winter.

The leaves on this succulent are coated with farina, a waxy substance designed to protect the plant. Touching the leaves will remove the farina, so be sure to handle with care.

Hardy to around -5c if kept dry and in a sheltered location

Echeveria lilacina

SKU: 03EcL
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